Erection Killer Erection Killer
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Erection Killer

erection killer
Erectile dysfunction is the biggest problem faced by a man. This applies regardless of nation and race. Erectile dysfunction has become a talking point since hundreds of years ago. So what exactly of the erection killer? Here's an erection killer collected from various sources:

High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure can damage blood vessels so that blood supply to the penis is reduced...

High Cholesterol
 The same goes for high cholesterol: they prevent the blood vessels to pump enough blood to the genital areas. This threatens to impotence.

Research has shown that the organ damage caused by alcoholism can also be a killer erection. Is consumption of alcohol in moderate amounts can also cause impotence? Not yet clear.

Smoking constricts blood vessels and damaging in the long run. This slows down blood flow and is difficult to obtain or maintain an erection.

Brutal sex
Brutal and rough sex will cause trauma to the penis. As it is known that the penis is filled with connective tissue and blood vessels are delicate and sensitive. Injuries and trauma could potentially be a killer erection.

Fatty foods
Unhealthy diet with too much fat and sugar is not good for blood circulation. A study shows that fruits, whole grains, fish and vegetables, very good for sexuality.

Anyone who is overweight is more prone to diabetes. And this disease is the biggest erection killer. Body fails to produce the hormone testosterone, which is sufficient to produce sexual arousal. Blood sugar control and weight is essential for sexual health.

Low levels of testosterone
Even in healthy men decreased from about age 40, testosterone levels - and this can lead to low sex drive in addition to erectile dysfunction. Because the male sex hormone is important for the function and structure of the genital organs, also affect libido and potency. Other factors that can lead to testosterone deficiency: obesity, stress, diabetes, medicines for high blood pressure and heart disease.

Mental stress
Mental stress can increase levels of adrenaline, it affects the blood circulation. The result: blood supply to the penis is not sufficient to produce erectile dysfunction. Mental stress caused by daily problems or even the fear of sex itself should be avoided. Leisure and relaxation is important before having sex.

That's an erection killer 9 collected from various sources.

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